A global network, your local advantage.
a robust disaster management & recovery protocol that is based on contingency planning guided by our Disaster Management & Recovery Framework. The framework is instructive on identification of signals/cues of an impending and/or likely disaster that puts management & operatives in anticipative preparedness for an imminent disaster. Critical procedures and resources necessary for mitigating the impacts of a disaster-fall & bolster the group’s survival are tightly regulated, reviewed & realigned in sync with the emerging challenges and constant technological improvements that change the doing of business.
Our disaster recovery processes that restore normal operations of ICT infrastructure and operations following a disaster are well articulated in the Disaster Management & Recovery Framework, a key Standard Operating Procedure of the group. To us no disaster is insignificant to ignore nor too large to fathom & manage.
Our disaster management protocol ensure safety for both internal and external stakeholders and minimises business interruption during and after the disaster. Key & paramount is restoration and building back better and installing higher levels of preparedness, endurance, adaptability, innovation and navigating around the hurdles & the disaster in its various manifestations and/or emergence.